This time of year is always fast pace and extremely busy! with the added stress that Covid has brought us its been no exception. with people not able to get out to do their Christmas shopping in a way they usually do it has been a very stressful time for everyone. The last few weeks for metal manipulation have been manic!
We have been busy completing customers orders and commissions that were ordered online and booked in before the second lock down, not to mention keeping the shelves in the shop stocked up for our visitors to enjoy now the centre has reopened. that alone is a endless task!
If you follow us on social media you would of seen we are out currently attending our final event of the year, at the wonderful Haddon hall in Derbyshire. This event has been extremely well organised following very strict government guidelines. And is always a pleasure to attend.
Hopefully next year many more of you will get an opportunity to visit us at one of many events we will be showcasing our products.
Updates of our whereabouts will be posted on the website in the new year. so keep a eye out.
There is still plenty of time for you to visit us at the centre where you can purchase any last minute gifts, as we are staying open until Christmas eve!
This year has been tough one for many and its going to be very different for us not being able to see family and friends, and celebrate the way we usually do, but i am hopeful we will all take some time out to relax and appreciate what we do have, i know personally i will be doing so.
keep safe and we very much look forward to seeing you all soon.